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Condor Flat Field Phantom 2281087-2

Raggi X
GE HealthCare
GE HealthCare
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Informazioni sul prodotto

The Condor Flat Field Phantom is used in the X-ray digital Rad room. The X-ray equipment is to be routinely checked for optimum imaging performance and appropriate radiation dosing. Phantoms are special pieces of imaging equipment that are often used for calibration and testing purposes. In radiology, phantoms are utilized to estimate radiation dose delivered to patients and evaluate the quality of imaging systems. They can also be used to conduct physics experiments. Hence, the material of the phantoms should closely mimic the human tissue, in particular, the radiological characteristics of the material must be similar to that of the tissue. The phantom is a sample material which is used to check the machines with all experiments before using with human beings to avoid risk. It is also used for the medical practitioners to get trained with the scanners and acquire knowledge about it. The material used to make the phantom is soft, highly reflective, non-toxic and has good mechanical stability. The Condor flat field phantom is used in X-ray machines like XR Definium 6000, XR Definium 8000, XR Discovery XR650, XR Discovery XR656, XR Optima XR646, Performa and Optima.

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2281087 Condor Flat Field Phantom