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In/Out Switch Cable 2332507

Raggi X
GE HealthCare
GE HealthCare
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Informazioni sul prodotto

This 70 mm long cable assembly comprises of an optical switch connected to a 5 position connector using UL approved, high quality 26 AWG wires, color coded in white, green, black, red and are protected with Teflon insulation. The optical switch sensors has infrared emitting diode along with a NPN silicon photodarlington which are mounted side-by-side on converging optical axes in a black plastic housing. The darlington transistor helps in providing a very high input impedance for the circuit which also translates into an equal decrease in output impedance. This optical sensor has very good sensing capacity and can sense reflective objects at a distance of 5 mm. The white wire from the collector, green from emitter, black from cathode, red from anode goes to position 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the five position connector. This cable assembly comes with pre-labeled information about the part number and manufacturing country name. This optical cable assembly is used in the thunder table assembly which are compatible with GE's Revolution XRd, Definium 8000 X-Ray Systems.