He flow sensor float-PT800-286-SENS-SCP
5128692 | |
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Radiofarmacia PET | |
GE HealthCare | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Informazioni sul prodotto
Part Title: He flow sensor float-PT800-286-SENS-SCP
Sub-System: He Cooling
Part Type: Corrective part
Part Compatibility: PETtrace 800 ,
The HE Flow Sensor Float is used in PET Radiopharmacy and other medical equipments as applicable. It is lightweight. They are durable and compact with an excellent structural stability. It is cylindrical in shape. The product is made from the material which possess high mechanical strength, rigidity, creep resistant, moisture resistant, toughness, natural lubricity, high performance, good electrical insulating properties and increased lifespan. It is safe, low maintenance and easily portable. It is a ROHS compliant and is approved for today’s safety standards. It is aesthetic in appearance. The product does not contain any dirt, dust, visible oils, grease, lint, fibers, rust, paper, and chips, cleaning solutions, machining coolant, foreign materials and other contaminants. The GE product is an Innovation and technology, which fits well into versatile customer needs. The product is securely packaged inside a high quality packing box to avoid physical damage during transit and labeled with details about the product, Quality Assurance (QA) seal and shipment details.